Sunday, June 13, 2010

Review: Dark Fire

Dark Fire (Last Dragon Chronicles)Title: Dark Fire
Author: Chris D’Lacey
Pages: 567
Publisher: Orchard Books, and Hachette Children’s Books
Genre: Fantasy, Fiction
Rating: 9.5/10

“ ‘You can begin by telling me why my daughter appears to have wings growing out of her back.’”

Wow! Isn’t it intriguing? When would you ever hear this sentence? This is said by Zanna, David Rain’s girlfriend. David is the best selling author of the novel ‘White Fire’. If this excerpt makes you curious, you may want to read the book that this excerpt comes from, Dark Fire.

This is the fifth book of the Dragon Chronicles. The earlier books were about David learning about dragons and having an accident that appeared to have killed him. Before reading this book you may want to read the earlier books to find out all the details about dragons and their descendants.
After being dead for 5 years, David is seen by his girlfriend, Zanna and his daughter, Alexa. He comes back to work with his landlord, Elizabeth and her daughter (who live at 42, Wayward Crescent) to make it safe for dragons to come out of hiding from the Artic. But strange things are happening and the Ix (evil spirits) are at work again, trying to get dark fire to take over all of dragon kind. David, Professor Steiner, Liz, Lucy, and most importantly Alexa, come together with a bit more help to make dragons come out of hiding. Do they succeed or …..

My favorite character in Dark Fire is Alexa because even though she is so small she has a lot of problems weighing down her shoulders. And you usually wouldn’t place a lot of responsibility on a 5 year old, would you? Alexa is a playful young girl who can predict the future. She can also think of things (objects) and project them anywhere she wishes.

I like the book ‘Dark Fire’ because even though there are lots of books that talk about dragons, this book and the series talks about the last dragon, it’s descendants and how if affects their lives.

Dark Fire is a book that gives readers a thrill of excitement as they read the book. It’s a very good book because Mr. D’Lacey can easily change the readers mood in a couple of words. This makes the book very interesting and full of twists, turns and many surprises. One reason I like his writing is because he separates the main people and the action and then places the reader in suspense about one person while he goes and talks about the other. Another reason I like his writing is because Mr. D’Lacey’s writing makes me feel as if I was where the action was taking place. He also makes me feel as if I am the character and this is my life in danger.

Will dragons ever be accepted by humans? Will David ever be able to live a happy life as a father? Will he even survive? If you like a whole lot of mysteries and books full of different events then read the book Dark Fire by Chris D’Lacey.

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